Work-Injury Doctors

Injured at Work?
Our work injury doctors and rehabilitation specialists assist in the treatment of the injured worker by providing coordinate care and communicate with all parties to help ensure a successful return to work.
Our doctors will make important decisions about your care you will need after a work accident, including:
- whether your injuries are work-related
- the nature and scope of the treatment you receive
- how much time off from work you need or whether you need light duty
- when you have reached “maximum medical improvement” (defined below), and
- the extent to which you have any permanent disability.
These decisions will have a large impact on what treatment you receive and what benefits you are entitled to. For example, if your doctor says you’ve reached maximum medical improvement, this means that your condition has plateaued to the point where further medical treatment isn’t helpful. It also means that you’re no longer entitled to temporary disability benefits.
Disability Rating
In addition, the degree of permanent disability your doctor believes you have will help dictate the amount of permanent disability benefits you receive. At Injury-Care Center, our doctors provide Work Injury Impairment Rating using AMA Guides that assist the employers and workers compensation insurance carriers to determine the eligibility of the injured worked for short term or long term disability.
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